Saturday, August 13, 2011

#10 Catch-ups and a sneak-peak at what I have to write about

I hadn't realized that the last post I made was 1. in February, and 2. was about my Honors Thesis. Wow, so much has happened since then: I stress fractured a bone in my foot, I got a Fellowship at a major newspaper for the next year, I finished the Thesis and presentend it, I GRADUATED, I MOVED to Dallas, and I'm in the work force instead of being a student.

That's the quick update, the following anecdotes and life happenings will be documented in subsequent posts, but I wanted you to know what's coming down the pipeline for your enjoyment (if my life has to be this nuts, someone should at least get a laugh out of it, right??).

Stay-tuned for further updates on the crazy things that happen to me on a semi-regular basis.  :)

*Note: these won't necessarily be posted in the order they happened.*

- Baseball games: I wrote about one for the newspaper, I'll write about it here for the general public's enjoyment. (Post # 11: Take me out to the triple-digit ball game)

- Pigs as pets: My brother is now the proud father of a pig named Zoey, I'll share her story. Update: He's also rescued a small feral hog named "Pevo," her story will be added to Zoey's.

- Moving into my apartment: It was a lovely little misadventure into the world of leases, maintenance, and renter's remorse. I do love my apartment [now] though.

-The foot fracture that just keeps on giving: The tragic tale of how I broke my foot and it's not-quite-healing despite months of rest. Update: New doctor, new walking cast, new game plan.

-Raccoons and their rescuers: This is another tale from the work files, it's a doozy of a story though.

-Bobcats and their right to life: Once again, a tale from the work files, it's another must-read.

-Coachroaches who ride yoga balls: another "you can't make this stuff up" tale of the roach who took a ride across my apartment, and the lengths I went to ensuring his demise.

-A Pennsylvania Wedding: One of my college roommates and I went to the wedding of my swing dance partner and his wonderful fiancee in Pennsylvania, it was a great trip and I'll share the highlights with you.

- Snakes inside my Grandmother's Texas home: I hate snakes, so does most of my family. But when serpents invade my Grandma's house, there's truly nothing sacred anymore. This will be my secondhand account of the horror.

-Oh my goodness I'm not in college anymore: the obligatory "OH NO WHAT HAVE I DONE I'M NOT READY TO BE A GROWN UP YET" post. I promise it'll be hilarious.

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