Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Here's a piece of poetry I wrote several weeks ago. It sparked from a family situation, and an article I read for a class about the decline of  marriage, families, and courtship (note: the article is "The End of Courtship" by Leon Kass). Ruth's already posted this on her blog, but I figured I'd stick it up here too, so here it is. It, also, was the product of a fit of insomnia and an itch to write. Sometimes I wish I had more control over when I got that itch, it's rarely at a time convenient to my life. More people should understand what it's like to be a slave to one's pen. :P
The poem's called "Pieces" and is probably one of the best I've written in recent years. Give it a look?

There’re cracks in the façade I show to the world,
Screams shouting silently, yearning to be heard.
But I’ll play my role a bit longer.
There are shattered sharp splinters of broken-down heart,
Piercing through the costumes that keep them in the dark,
But I’ll stitch up the tears a bit longer.
There are tears running silently down the walls of my soul,
Longing for the day they burst forth, break a hole,
But I’ll bottle them in a bit longer.
There are words yet unspoken, lurking there in my core,
Waiting deep down inside, for the day they’ll spill out,
But I’ll keep them stored up a bit longer.
There are moments of sadness, of grief and of pain,
There’s no time to deal with them, to watch them spill down a drain,
So I’ll shore up the dam a bit longer.
There are tiny, twisted, terrors that peek through my eyes,
Trying to show the world I’m pretending, that it’s lies,
But I’ll blink so you miss it a bit longer.
There are nights wasted sleepless, unable to dream,
Circles beneath my eyes are not just what they seem,
But I’ll cover them up a bit longer.
There are days when the mask I wear slips from my face,
When I look as I feel, tired and failing in the race (to look okay),
But I’ll wear my mask a bit longer.
If there’s an end to this tunnel of darkness and hurt,
Where the pain should all stop and the words not seem curt,
But until then I’ll hurt a bit longer.
There’s a hope springs eternal, or so I’ve been told,
Where grace heals up the wounds that until then bleed cold,
But I’ll stop the bleeding in place a bit longer.
There’s a place where the scars of what’s happened so far,
Fade into the background and don’t show somehow,
But until I get there, they’ll show a bit longer.
There’s a time when this struggle will end in a draw,
When everyone’s lost and they’re at the literal last straw,
But I must not be there yet, it’s a bit longer
But to make it there, I must last a bit longer.
God is it close? I can’t do this much longer.
© Ananda M. Boardman 2010

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