Monday, November 29, 2010

#5 (Monday Pants)

Over the break I went jeans shopping, as I realized my existing pairs were starting to fall apart and were faded to the point of total loss of color.

I bought skinny jeans (Target, $10 on sale) in two colors. But, as anyone who has ever worn them knows, they are not at all user-friendly. By this I mean to say that getting into a pair of skinny jeans is really an art form, or perhaps a new form of aerobic dance.

I was trying on my second or third pair of jeans when my mother entered the dressing room to check my progress (I should note that my family's pretty open, and there isn't much that will bother us with that whole personal space thing). She nearly fell to the floor laughing at my "get into the skinny jeans" jump-up-and-down-to-make-them-fit dance. I was not so amused. (Note: once on, the jeans actually become normal pants, and one can breathe. But the initial putting on of the skinny jeans requires some effort).

When she had stopped laughing and repositioned herself on the chair, she started the laugh-and-fall process all over again at the following statement of mine:
Me: These are so not Monday pants.
Mom: *laughter* What are you talking about? *laughter*
Me: You know, Monday pants. You get up on Monday morning and you want pants you can throw on in  two seconds and be good to go. These, take too much effort. I need like 5 minutes to get them on, therefore not Monday pants.
Mom: *gasping for air because she is now laughing harder* You could wear them to dinner on  Monday? They could be Monday dinner pants, just not Monday morning pants?
Me: In theory, yes. But only if I have all of Monday afternoon to get them on!
Mom: So could they then be Tuesday pants? Since once you've worn them once they go on much easier?
Me: possibly, but only if I have had the time on Monday afternoon/evening to get into and wear them.

She finally quit laughing long enough to see that they fit, and the end result was the purchasing of two pair of jeans. One normal, one dark wash, but she laughed at me all weekend about my Monday pants.

As tomorrow is Monday this seemed a fitting late-Sunday post.

The lesson of the story is: skinny jeans don't make Monday pants, but they can be Tuesday pants, and they do make family shopping interesting.

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